Governance is a foundational principle of CNA, focused on the appropriate governance of decisions and management of processes.
CNA is a company limited by guarantee and is a subsidiary of the Australian Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church that acts as an agent for the Australian Catholic Bishop Conference. CNA is a Not for Profit organisation, governed by its Constitution, and guided by its Board and Executive Committees.
CNA participants provide a view of their operational and strategic priorities through annual surveys, which guide CNA’s focus areas.
The underlying principle of CNA contracts is equity for all, meaning that all participants - irrespective of location, size or other differentiator – benefit in the same way from CNA negotiated agreements.
CNA contracts are opt in, meaning there is no obligation on any participant to participate in a CNA negotiated agreement.
For more information on current or potential future CNA contracts, please contact CNA.
"None of us can think we are exempt from concern for the poor and for social justice."
Pope Francis
Stewardship is a foundational principal of Catholic Network Australia (CNA) that guides the focuses and offerings we provide to members.
CNA’s portfolio of professional development, technology solutions, and development initiatives aim to serve and benefit the Australian Catholic community. Our vision is to facilitate sharing of resources and expertise across Catholic schools and dioceses to achieve better student learning outcomes, more efficiencies and value in the education sector.