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Register your project now!
18 November

Team coordinators should register their teams here. Complete the registration once for each school.

Virtual event

Event details​

In-person event

South Brisbane, Merivale St, South Brisbane QLD​

Need travel support? 

Contact CNA if your school is experiencing financial difficulty in travelling to STEM MAD National. 

Coming solo?

Register here if you are a parent/carer, Diocesan representative, or an additional guest who would like to attend the showcase and is not supporting a team.

In-person event

South Brisbane, Merivale St, South Brisbane QLD​

Showcase Timeline

2025 STEM MAD Timeline-update.png

What is the judging criteria?

​Submissions will be evaluated based on the following:

  • Design process, including an iterative prototyping cycle

  • Links to the curriculum across the STEM disciplines and capabilities  

  • Innovative application of scientific and mathematical concepts 

  • Engineering and communication principles  

  • Catholic distinction of Making a Difference to others and the environment.

Download Judging Criteria

Selection Process

Following local STEM MAD showcases, each diocese or system of schools will nominate up to three projects in the categories primary, secondary and 'Future is STEM', which best demonstrate learning and meet the project criteria.


The STEM MAD National Advisory Committee, comprised of representatives from each participating state, judge nominees based on the project criteria; specifically looking for…

  • Innovative ideas

  • A clear demonstration of the design process and learning journey

  • Eloquent, highly competent presenters


Successful project teams will be invited to participate in STEM MAD National in November.

Finalist Video Entries

Each finalist team must submit a 2.5 minute video submission which will include. Finalist submissions will be as follows:

  • Inclusion of school name, diocese/system of schools, and project title in the video introduction.

  • Participation from the entire team with each student portraying a strong positive presence. 

  • A clear and detailed description of the design process.

  •  A virtual walk-through of the prototype. Project teams should aim to have a working prototype to demonstrate in their video.

STEM MAD National Submissions

Make sure to review the submission guide before submitting your project. 

Submit your video here

STEM MAD National Awards

Eligibility across a range of award categories

STEM MAD National submissions will be eligible for all awards. Judges will determine which most closely align to each submission.

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Who can participate?

The highest performing submissions to participating STEM MAD Local competitions will be invited to participate in-person in STEM MAD National.

Check out previous award winners!

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